Membership for Applying Analysts

“Very many theories are needed before we can get even a rough picture of the psyche’s complexity,” said Jung (CW 16, ¶198).

Thank you for your interest in the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts. We invite you to consider joining us! Our analyst membership and training program spans all of North America. We offer certified Jungian analysts opportunities to continue professional development, belong to a vibrant Jungian Society, and develop sustaining collegial relationships in a unique and lively analytic community.

One of our greatest assets is that we are comprised of analysts from throughout North America, and you can become a member of our Jungian community regardless of where you live. The Inter-Regional Society has grown into a multi-regional professional organization that ensures certified analysts can assemble to continue professional development, belong to a professional Jungian Society, and develop sustaining collegial relationships within a highly diverse analytic community.

As an IAAP member, the IRSJA prides itself on sustaining our diversity of thought and application with respect to Analytical Psychology. Our membership includes analysts from varying training orientations, geographic regions, backgrounds and interests, and clinical styles – reflecting the spirit in Jung’s words above. With over 200  current members, the IRSJA claims one of the largest memberships of any Jungian Society or Institute in the world. We enjoy semi-annual reunions in cities across North America, where we participate in lectures, workshops, and informal conversations and social events. We explore, engage, discuss, and debate Jungian theory and thinking, including its interface with contemporary psychological and psychoanalytic thought. Moreover, the IRSJA is home to some of our field’s most eminent analysts who have broadened Dr. Jung’s work and continue to deepen the soul of Analytical Psychology.

IRSJA analysts actively participate in what we consider the heart of our Society – our Analyst Training Program. We offer education, supervision, and mentoring for candidates and students through our affiliate Seminars throughout the United States. Analyst members may offer presentations, workshops, and serve on various committees during Society meetings. Throughout this process, we enjoy reuniting with old friends while cultivating new collegial and social relationships. For example, at the end of each biannual conference, we enjoy time together at a celebratory banquet, and during each fall conference, we offer an Open Mic Night for those who want to share their creative talents with us.

The paperwork required for membership is designed to streamline the process of documentation and can be found at Application Procedures for Analysts Applying for Membership. We ask that you attend two Society meetings, which includes meeting with the Membership Committee, getting to know other applying analysts, and briefly introducing yourself to the Society. The Membership Committee can then recommend acceptance, and the Society votes to accept new members. These procedures serve to welcome new members, provide a few familiar faces, and facilitate transition into the Society at large.

If you are interested in joining the IRSJA or want to learn more about us, simply contact the Membership Committee Chair, Marla Herbig first via email at In addition, you may reach her by office phone at 206-782-6805. She will be happy to answer any questions and facilitate your membership process.

Steps to Joining:

Contact Marla Herbig, MSW ( (206-782-6805) if interested in joining.

Review the Application Procedures

Complete and submit the following required documents:

        • Curriculum Vitae
        • Short Bio
        • Evidence of graduation from Jungian training program
        • Letter of good standing for membership in any Jungian society
        • Brief personal statement
        • 2 letters of recommendation
        • Non-refundable application fee
        • Release of Information Form
        • Analyst Waiver

To learn more about the history of the Inter-Regional Society, please see the About Us page at the top of our website. And again, thank you for your interest. We hope you will consider joining us.

Non-Discrimination Policy:
The Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts seeks to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnic origin, disability, sex, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. We strive to identify systemic racism and other forms of discrimination in our Society, and we continue to challenge racial and cultural biases in ourselves, our teachings, and practices, and in our organization.